About Us
Hidden Talents Tutoring Center “Explore Who You Are”, Inc. (HTT) was established in 2003 to provide access to academic tutoring services to all ages in communities lacking educational resources. Hidden Talents Tutoring Center is dedicated to equipping students with the skills to succeed academically, professionally and personally.
HTT provides personalized tutoring and a homework tutorial program specifically designed to meet the academic challenges that students face in an increasingly demanding educational system. The programs are designed to meet these needs in a variety of ways.

HTT has a saying “You Grow, We Grow, We All Grow as a Family."
We truly thank our clients for their dedication and hard work!

Ms. Julia D. Warren
Education Specialist
The founder of HTT, formerly Green’s Private Tutor Inc., started a home-based tutorial service in 2003. After over 10 years in the finance industry, she resigned from her corporate position as a Senior Reports Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to pursue her ultimate purpose. Her passion is motivating and educating children and adults to achieve their goals. Her specialty is working with all families including special needs to ensure that their dreams come true. She has a B.S. Degree in Business Management and a M.S. Degree in General and Special Education. Ms. Warren is currently pursuing a PhD in Education, she has always considered herself as a lifetime STUDENT.